(2) EUの皮革産業の統計データ
(2-1) Carl Freudenberg(1849~2002)
(2-2) Costil Tanneries de France(1830~2005)
(2-3) Tanneries du Puy(1948~)
(2-4) Connolly Brothers (Curriers) Ltd.(1878~2002)
(3) 2015/5/1から施行された6価クロムに関するEUの新しい規制
(1) ヨーロッパの原皮事情の続き
- 子牛原皮(緑)、成牛原皮(赤)、羊・山羊(紫)、成牛ウェットブルー(青)
- EU産の他に、オーストラリア産カーフ、アメリカ産ステア・ヘファー・カウ、ニュージーランド産カウ・ブル、イラン産シープも含まれている
- 2014年4月頃から原皮は値下がり傾向
これに対して欧州産の牛は、スイスを始め有機農法で自然のままゆったりと丁寧に育てられた牛が多いので、原皮としても上質なものになるとされる。 ちなみに、欧州産の原皮といった場合、西はスペインから東はロシアまで含まれる。
<参考> 米国の原皮事情の続き
- 2016年(黄緑)、2015年(青)、2014年(茶)、2013年(オレンジ)
- Heavy native steersは、2015年10週目頃から値下がり始め、30週目には70ドルを切り、その後は70ドル前後を行ったり来たり
(2) EUの皮革産業の統計データ
- 2000年~2001年、110億ユーロ、370億デシ(下のグラフには載っていない)
- 2011年、78億ユーロ、224億デシ
- 2000年~2001年のピーク後、下降トレンドになった理由として、
- 2001年の911テロ、狂牛病、口蹄疫
- 2002年のユーロ導入後の、2002年~2005年と2007年~2009年ユーロ高・ドル安
- 2007年~2009年の金融危機
- EU製の革靴生産数と世界的な革製品消費量の減少
- EU産原皮の継続的な減少
- 中~低価格帯のEU圏外製の革の増加
- 2011年、1783社、34,504人
- ヨーロッパ南部は中小企業が多く、大量生産できない職人技を必要とするファッション業界に需要があり、1社あたりの平均就業者数は、イタリア 14人、スペイン 23人、フランス 32人、ポルトガル 38人
- ヨーロッパ北部中部は家具や車の内装用革を大量生産しており、1社あたりの平均就業者数は、オーストリア 295人、ポーランド 82人、スウェーデン 60人、イギリス 55人
(2-1) Carl Freudenberg(1849~2002)
2002年当時のアナウンス : 「皮革部門は何年も赤字だったことに加えて、狂牛病と口蹄疫が発生したので撤退を決定した。また、911テロによって高級ブランドは大いに影響を受けて不景気だし、今後赤字がゼロになる見込みもない。ちなみに、皮革部門の売上高構成比は0.5%強で、社員3万人中120人が皮革部門で働いていた」
15 Apr 2002
From a Weinheim tannery to an international group of companies Concentration on profitable growth operations Intensified focus on fuel cells and mechatronics
Weinheim, 1 February 2002: The Freudenberg Group plans to close down its tannery in Weinheim on 30 September 2002. This step has become necessary because the small Leather Division has been running at a loss for many years, and has been additionally hit by the BSE crisis and by foot-and-mouth disease. Freudenberg is only active on the niche market for high-quality calf leather. The luxury segment, however, has been particularly badly affected by the weakness of the global economy and uncertainty among consumers following the 11th of September. Against this background, there is no chance in the short or long term for getting back to the break-even point.
Leather production has long ceased to play a significant role in the Group's portfolio, most recently accounting for just over 0.5 % of sales. Though the firm was originally a tannery, it began to diversify very early on. Today, for example, Freudenberg is a global player in the market for automotive seals and vibration control components, the world's biggest producer of nonwovens, and a successful vendor of mechanical cleaning products all over the globe. The company employs around 30,000 people in 42 different countries, for a turnover exceeding four billion euros*.In order to assure the Group's future, Freudenberg intends to concentrate on profitable growth operations. Besides expanding its world market leadership in seal technology, tufting nonwovens, mechanical branded household cleaning products and specialty lubricants, these also include the development of innovative solutions in growth markets like mechatronics (interlinkage of mechanical and electronic components) and fuel cell technology. In January 2002, for instance, two research companies based in Weinheim were founded in the shape of Freudenberg Mechatronic KG and the Fuel Cell Components Company, which will be dealing with new products in the fields of ribbon-cable development and the use of seals, nonwovens and flexible PCBs in fuel cells. With these activities, Freudenberg will strengthen the Weinheim facility's capabilities in the medium term.
Currently, the leather production operation employs about 120 employees, who will, as far as is possible, be offered alternative jobs.
*Figures from the year 2000
Freudenberg plans to discontinue leather production | Press Archive
(2-2) Costil Tanneries de France(1830~2005)
www.costil-tf.fr にアクセスできるけど、営業しているのだろうか?
- 1830年 Auguste Schumannがストラスブール郊外のランゴルサイムで澱粉工場を創業。
- 1889年 澱粉工場倒産後、フランクフルトのAdler & Oppenheimerが買収し、製革工場を創業。
- 1920年 WW1後、管財下に置かれ、ドイツ人オーナーには国外退去命令。
- 1921年 ストラスブール地方裁判所が3200万フランでTanneries de Franceに譲渡。
- 1972年 ポン=オードゥメールにある成牛革のタンナーCostil & Filsが75%の株式を取得して買収し、子牛革から成牛革まで鞣すフランス最大のタンナーになる。
- 1978年 原材料高騰により倒産。10年かけて再建。
- 1995年 Alain Costil がクレディ・リヨネ銀行の子会社に売却。
- 2000年 この子会社が解散し、イタリア人が買収。
- 2002年10月 狂牛病、口蹄疫、素人経営のために会社清算。
- 2003年2月 ストラスブールの工場をフランスのRouxが買収。
- 2003年6月 ポン=オードゥメールの工場をスペインのColomerが95%、Rouxが5%の比率で買収。
- 2005年7月 ポン=オードゥメールの工場が倒産。2005年内で廃業。
Historique | Costil Tanneries de France(仏英グーグル翻訳から何となく和訳)
Costil under new ownership (2003/10/15) | Leather International
Costil Strasbourg in receivership (2005/10/24) | Leather International
Costil Tanneries de France entre liquidation et projet de Scop (2005/11/21) | L'Usine Nouvelle
自動車 Peugeot, Renault, Citroën, Venturi, Ferrari, Iso Delta, Eca, Ecia and quite a few independant saddlers. 飛行機 Dassault, Lufthansa, Air France, Arabian Saoudia, Sigma Aerosite, A.I.P., Eurocopters, Jet Aviation. 革製品 Vuitton, Hermès, Lancel, Cartier, Mont Blanc, Delvaux, Della Valle, Loewe, Renouard. 靴 Clark's, Church, Weston, Mephisto, Paraboot, Bally, Allen Edmonds, Foot Joy, Marco, JB Martin, Tod's, Salomon, Manfield, Bowen, Arche, Birkenstock, Startrite, Decathlon, Hardrige (Sillanaise de chaussures). 家具 Swann, Duvivier, Sufren, Alcyone, Guermonprez, Roset, Sièges de Luynes.
Les Tanneries Roux renouent avec la croissance et veulent se diversifier | Les Echos
(2-3) Tanneries du Puy(1948~)
Les Tanneries du Puy | Centre d'histoire sociale de la Haute-Loire
ピュイがエルメスに売られた背景(仏英グーグル翻訳から何となく和訳) : 「近年赤字続きだった。廃水設備投資に大変な金が必要だったときに、原皮高騰が直撃。ウエストンはもう赤字を吸収したくないので、エルメスに売った」
・・・The company, whose revenues are estimated at over 20 million, cumulated losses in recent years. A common situation in this sector, where SMEs must wear skins stocks, whose prices have soared since 2011, before declining this year. This increase is related to quality leather shortage and strong global demand for accessories (purses ...). It requires having a substantial cash even though these small businesses are facing heavy investments for the treatment of waste.
In this context, more and more luxury groups, Chanel, Vuitton or Prada, come to their aid. EPI, he preferred to seek a buyer, rather than continue to absorb the losses. Les Tanneries du Puy, whose leader has changed in the spring of 2014, were also there seems to face a difficult social climate. "The last redemptions showed that while maintaining know-how, this integration in groups of luxury does not prejudice other clients of these tanneries continued to provide it, "said an industry expert.・・・
Hermès rachète une tannerie du chausseur JM Weston | Les Echos
・・・Alain Peyrelon, CGT des Tanneries du Puy, is very pleased with this announcement: "This acquisition is a very good thing. Since 2011, we belong to the EPI group (Weston shoes), a large luxury group had invested 25 million euros on the site of Tanneries. But our revenues declined last year, particularly due to the increasing price of raw material. So today we are satisfied because the Hermès Group has confirmed this morning that all jobs are guaranteed. Management of Hermes also confirmed its willingness to invest on our site that really needs, including buildings that date from 1946 ". Alain Peyrelon which also welcomes that this transaction is done without the intervention of politicians "neither right nor left"! ・・・
(2-4) Connolly Brothers (Curriers) Ltd.(1878~2002)
- 1998年12月 Pearce(1908~2001、型押し革で有名だったみたい)がPebody(1878~1999年頃)を吸収することを発表
- 2001年 ConnollyがPearceを吸収した
・・・Many of Connolly's hides come from Scandinavia where the quality is better because the cattle spend most of their lives inside to escape bad weather. Nor are the Scandinavian hides threatened to the same extent with damage from barbed wire or warble fly, those horrible little grubs which burrow their way through the hides. Size largely depends on the age of the cow—the older they get the bigger they grow but the more damaged they get—though the average is 45-50 square feet. The largest hides come from Southern Germany and the largest ever seen by Connolly was a vast 120 sq. ft.・・・
・・・Car hides thus treated are known as Vaumol and upholstery hides as Wandle.・・・Some hides, including some of the Jaguar ones, are given a Luxon antiquing treatment, which involves swabbing a contrasting dye over the proper finish, to highlight the grain.・・・
The Leather-Bound World of Connolly | Motor Sport Magazine (January 1975)
コノリーはフィニッシャーだったが、自社タンナー J.J. Williamson & Sonを持っていた。
When the St Mildred's Tannery site finally closed in 2002 it marked the end of over 200 years of tanning and leather work in Canterbury, associated with six generations of the Williamson family.・・・Williamsons was acquired by Connollys in 1963.
Tannery Site | Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society
Former St Mildred’s Tannery, Stour Street | Geograph Britain and Ireland
Leather Tanners & Curriersのロイヤルワラントを取っており、フィニッシャーをしているみたい。
- C B Leather Ltd.(2003~) ・・・ コノリー廃業後、4代目のJonathan Connollyが立ち上げた新会社
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers) Ltd.(2012~) ・・・ Connollyの商標を使えるようになったため改名した模様
- Connolly London ・・・ 2016年冬にクリフォード・ストリートに旗艦店を出す模様
Connolly leather was gone in name, but Jonathan Connolly, a direct descendant of the founders, began producing hides under the name C.B. Leather, as he had lost the rights to the name Connolly Brothers. But just before going to press, we learned from the aftermarket and restoration supplier U.K. Hide that Jonathan Connolly has recently reacquired the rights to the Connolly name, and has re-started the production of Vaumol hides, giving an option for authenticity not recently available to restorers.
Connolly Brothers | Hemmings Motor News (2013/2)
Beautiful English CB (Connolly Bros) Tan Upholstery Leather/Hide - 54.73 SqFt | eBay
Jonathan Connollyは4代目で、1970~1980年代中頃までファクトリーマネージャー、2002年までマーケティング・ディレクターだった。「現在のコノリーはかつてほどの規模ではないが、英国産の原皮から内装用レザーを作っている」というJonathanによる書き込み。
Hi. My name is Jonathan Connolly. I thought it might be helpful to those of you who are interested,to know about Connolly Leather and its current activities. I am fourth generation Connolly and have worked with the company since the mid 1970s. My roles at the company from the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s was as factory manager at our plants in Canterbury and Wimbledon. From the mid 1980s to 2002 I was a sales and marketing Director. My direct clients were Rolls Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Ferrari. I now run the current Connolly Leather.
Connolly Leather is now a smaller business than it was, but it still makes very high quality upholstery leather using Uk raw material.
As you know we manufacture our normal ranges (Vaumol, Autolux and Autocalf) for the motor industry. These products are made with our own technical processes that have never been divulged to anyone out side the business. We also manufacture bespoke leathers for the aviation, boat and furniture industries.
It may be helpful for me to give you a little more detail about the Vaumol range that is being used extensively in the restoration world.
Current Vaumol is tanned using exactly the same recipe as used when we produced it for main production from 1930s to the late 1970s. It still possesses the unique feel and aroma as before. We use the unique Connolly archive (4000 colours of which 1200 are Vaumol) for reproducing the original colours and finishes.
Vaumol is made in 2 finish types
1) Crushed Grain Single surface colour
2) Luxan Grain Darker second colour rubbed into the natural grain by hand.Our 3 or 4 digit product codes denote the colour,leather type and whether it was Luxan grain or not.
Vaumol was our top grade leather used mainly the automotive sector. We also made a product called FG/PAC which was supplied mainly to Jaguar, Maserati and other volume manufacturers. This was a more cost effective product. It still had the same Tanning process as the Vaumol range but the difference was that the top grain was embossed to aid cutting utilisation.
I see UK Hide is mentioned in some of these posts. UK Hide are our UK small customer distributors so the Vaumol, Autolux and Autocalf are all manufactured by us.
I hope this makes the situation a little clearer. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them.
Jonathan Connolly
http://www.connollybros.co.uk/One and all Connolly leather thread for Vintage Ferrari | FerrariChat.com
(3) 2015/5/1から施行された6価クロムに関するEUの新しい規制
- 鞣し剤の3価クロムは、ある条件下で6価クロムに変化し、6価クロムはアレルギー性接触皮膚炎を起こす
- 鞣し中に6価クロムを発生させない方法は常識なのに、2008年のデンマークの調査によると、コペンハーゲンで買った、ポルトガル、イタリア、メキシコ、フランス、インド製、製造国不明の18足中8足に、アレルギー反応を引き起こすに十分な量である 3 mg/kg(1kgの革に6価クロムが3mg含まれている) 以上の6価クロムが検出された
- デンマークでは、アレルギー患者数が、16,228人中3.6%(1985年)から1%(1995年)へ減ったが、3.3%(2007年)に増えた
- この増加の原因は革製品で、特に靴(セメントの規制によって一旦減少した)
- 2015/5/1から、6価クロムが 3 mg/kg 含まれている革と革を含む製品の販売を禁止した
- イタリア、フランス、スペインでは既に規制済み(と言うが、ナイジェリアの様子を見ると心配になる)
On 26 March 2014 the EU published a regulation to ban Chromium VI in leather articles. By this, articles containing leather parts in contact with the skin are banned from sale, if Chromium VI is present in concentrations of 3 mg/kg or more.
This requirement becomes applicable on 1 May 2015.
Chromium III containing substances are used in 80-85% of worldwide leather production as tanning agents. Under certain production and storage circumstances Chromium III can transform to Chromium VI. A Danish survey showed that 44% of the reviewed articles emitted more than 3 mg/kg Chromium VI.Chromium VI is known to cause strong contact dermatitis in humans and once sensitized, concentrations of 3 mg/kg are enough to trigger allergic reactions.
On this basis the EU now issued regulation EU 301/2014, which adds a Chromium VI restriction to Annex XVII of regulation 1907/2006 (REACH). The restriction states that articles with leather parts, which come into contact with the skin, shall not contain Chromium VI with 3 mg/kg or more.
This applies only to articles placed on the market on and after 1 May 2015.
Apart from that, other countries like Italy, France and Spain have already started to reject leather articles containing Chromium VI on the basis of general health and safety rules. Various cases have been made public under the European rapid alert system on dangerous consumer products (RAPEX).
EU Restricts Chromium VI in Leather Articles | Bureau Veritas
価格 [ユーロ] Cr(VI) [mg/kg] 子供用サンダル 47 33 37 <1 子供用シューズ 73 <1 57 <1 8 <1 子供用ブーツ 93 <1 婦人用サンダル 53 4 10 6 93 4 婦人用シューズ 380 <1 婦人用ブーツ 65 3 149 <1.5 紳士用サンダル 33 16 紳士用シューズ 73 <1 80 62 80 6 紳士用ブーツ 53 <1 93 <1 Survey and health assessment (sensitisation only) of chromium in leather shoes | デンマーク環境保護庁
- プレミアムなクロム鞣し剤を常に使用する。
- 鞣し後の革に酸化剤(たとえば漂白)を使用しない。
- 低 pH 条件(3.5~4.0)でウェットエンド処理を終える。
- 最終洗浄をよく行う。
- 染色工程前に過剰なアンモニアの使用を避ける。
- 高性能な柔軟化剤を使用する(不飽和油脂または不飽和ワックスを含まない)。
- クロム塩の顔料(黄色及びオレンジの無機顔料)の使用を避ける。
- 抗酸化効果を与えるために 1~3%の植物タンニンエキスを使用する。
- 植物タンニン剤を使用することができない場合,合成酸化防止剤を使用する。