The Problem of Damage to Skins(抄訳)
Damage can occur to the skins in three ways; during the life of the animal, after the animal dies and before tanning starts, or at some stage during the tanning and finishing process.
1 - No hide coming from a living animal is ever perfect. During their lives animals may aquire numerous scars from one or more of the following: barbed wire, thorn damage, in-fighting among male members, branding by farmers and ranchers, parasite induced holes in particular the warble fly which lays it's egg below the surface of the skin, vaccinations and if the animal was unlucky enough to be hunted, from bullet holes and trapping injuries.
It then follows that the older the animal the more chance there is during it's lifetime to accumulate an assortment of scar tissue. It is worth noting that older animals have a tendency to excess weight. This can lead to growth marks in the neck and belly, not unlike humans, and horny i.e. rough and hard areas along the spine.
1 - 有刺鉄線やトゲによる傷、雄同士の喧嘩、焼き印、寄生虫による穴(特にウシバエは皮膚表面下に卵を産み付ける)、ワクチン注射痕、ハンターによる弾痕やワナによる傷、といった沢山の傷跡が動物にはできます。
2 - After the animal has been killed, correct bleeding, hanging and curing must be implemented. Damage which can occur due to poor practises include: Vein marks due to insufficient bleeding, Flay marks and cuts if the animals have been poorly skinned, Poor curing resulting in localised rot setting in, 'Red heat' damage caused by the use of contaminated salt. Mined salt only should be used, since sea salt contains harmful bacteria.
2 - 血抜きが不十分だと血筋ができ、皮の剥ぎ方が下手だとその跡や切れ目でき、塩漬け方が悪いと部分的に腐敗し、汚染された塩を使うと'Red heat'ができます。
<参考:革塩漬けの会社を見てきたよ | レザークラフト・フェニックス>
3 - In the tannery, the skins undergo numerous processes to turn them from pelts into finished leather. There are obviously many opportunities for damage to occur, but these factors are within our control and unlike the previous factors we can keep damage to an absolute minimum.
3 - タンナーでできるダメージは、上の2つと違い、最小限にコントロールできます。
「血筋に見えるね」 by Nick Horween

追記(2012/2/15) 血筋

Tanning Chemistry: The Science of Leather, P38
追記(2012/11/9) Grain Difference

追記(2013/3/1) トラ
Foster and son, leather, brand new 11.5 UK | eBay
Classic Cowhide Full Product Description (PDF) | Townsend Leather