講師は、英国史跡保存協会顧問のChristopher Calnan。
1. RH, temperature, and associated effects on moisture content
The average moisture content of leather is 15%. RH above 75% can cause mold growth and swelling of the leather fibers, whereas RH below 25% can cause shrinkage of the skin. A combination of dryness and heat can cause irreversible deformation of the skin. Cycling of temperature and RH can lead to the development of stress fractures and cracking. Persistent low temperatures (below 12 degrees C) can solidify the fats present in the skin and cause formation of spew on the leather surface. High temperatures will cause dryness and embrittlement, and may also turn skin oils rancid. Water damage can cause the migration of soluble tannins to the surface of leathers, where they cause darkening and hardening of the skin. Deteriorated leathers are particularly susceptible to this effect, the fibers being more likely to collapse and stick together.
1. 相対湿度、気温による革の水分含有量に関する影響
5. Inappropriate conservation treatments
…Avoid aggressive solvents that might strip out the oils already present in the leather. Over-application of oils can disrupt the moisture content of the leather, by taking up space that would otherwise be occupied by water. …
5. 不適切な保存法
オーストラリア政府文化財保護審議会(Heritage Collections Council)出版の reCollections : Caring for Collections Across Australiaより抜粋。
What is leather?
Leather in good condition is naturally acidic: in the range of pH 3–6, with a water content of between 12–20% and a fat content in the range 2–10%.
保存状態の良い革は当然ながら酸性(pH 3–6)で、水分は 12~20 %、油脂分は 2~10 %含まれています。
What are the most common types of damage?
…over-lubricated –– this reduces the moisture content of the leather and it will become hard, brittle and inflexible.
Storing and displaying leather : Ideal conditions for storing leather
Relative humidity should be kept in the range of 45–55%. In very dry conditions with the relative humidity below 30%, leather dries out and becomes brittle. High humidity, that is, above 65%, encourages mould growth.
相対湿度は 45~55 %が良い。30%以下だと、革の水分が抜けて脆くなる。65%以上だと、カビが生えやすくなる。
Comparative durability of chrome and vegetable tanned sole leathers (1925)