(2) 米国に馬皮鞣しを導入したとされるドイツ系移民
(3) 企業名鑑~シェルコードバンタンナー
(4) シェルとコードバンの用語の使い方の変遷
(5) 昔のシェルコードバン
(6) 第一次ブーム(1917~1922年)~軍需から民需へ
(7) 第二次ブーム(1948~1967年)
(8) 雑録
(9) コードバン(コルドバ革)前史
(1) 自由ハンザ都市ハンブルク
The manufacture of horse hides for footwear originated in Denmark, and from there it followed the coast of the Iberian peninsula, and was largely developed in Hamburg. There it took root immediately and was developed gradually to the highest degree of perfection.
From Hamburg the art spread to Austria, Poland, the Russo-German provinces and Scandinavia, which have each manufactured some very handsome horse leather footwear.
England and France are also manufacturing this leather to some extent; but in the United States there is but little done in this line of manufacture. At the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1876 all other kinds of leather produced in this country were exhibited, horse leather being the only exception.
It is scarcely fifty years since horse hides began to be tanned into leather, and while their tanning was not absolutely unknown, it never was employed in any way for shoemaking or for any of the articles related to that trade.
Modern American tanning; a practical treatise on the manufacture of leather (1902)
Horsehide was not tanned for shoe upper to any extent in the United States prior to 1870.
・・・We are regular readers of the “Shoe & Leather Reporter” and think that perhaps some of your readers will be interested to read a Scottish opinion on horse leather. During the past forty years we have been handling and tanning horse hides,・・・
Let us now deal with the suitability of the horse hide for making into leather. To begin with the hide or skin from a horse is quite different in character from the hide of other animals such as 0x, sheep, goat, or pig, the hind quarters being entirely different in texture from the rest of the hide, hence we must in order to obtain satisfactory results deal with the horse hide as though it were two separate hides. The hide ought to be out about seven teen to twenty-six inches from the tail rump according to the size, the two portions then being known as the “butt” or “shell.” and the “front.” The butt is generally vegetable tanned and when properly worked makes very serviceable footwear known as crup or cordovan shell, also a ready market is found for good shell for razor strops, while we have known of this leather also having been used for accoutrement work, as well as sole leather. When preparing horse butts for upper leather (shell cordovan) or razor strop work, one has to be careful when reducing on the flesh side to shave only to the shell which is of exceptionally close texture and lends itself to a very fine finish.
Horse fronts may be either vegetable, chrome tanned or alumed, and can be worked as one piece or cut into sides, or the bellies and shoulders may be removed leaving the cross piece. Amongst the many purposes to which horse fronts go are boot uppers, laces. enamel and japan, furniture leather and whip thongs, not to speak of the glove or mittens which are made in a large scale from horse leather, while more recently leather clothing has made a call upon horse fronts for which purpose it is specially adopted on account of the natural stretchiness and pliability of the leather. One could go into much more detail but we trust the abova may serve to show the general utility of the hide from our true and faithful friend the horse.GRYFE TANNERY LIMITED, WILLIAM J. BARR, Bridge of Weir, Scotland.
3. Horse hides.
genuine imported Hamburg "shell" Cordovan leatherを使った、他店でなら8ドルに相当する靴が、リーガルでは卸値相当の4ドルでゲットできる、という1905年の広告。2ギニーでロンドンで売られていた靴の完コピ(後のRegal Reproductionシリーズ)。丈夫で、スムーズで、防水性があるシェルコードバンを使った理想的なアウトドアシューズ。ベロウズタン、コバの張ったオークバークダブルソール、キャンバスライニング、履き口のフェイシングにはカーフという仕様。米国、カナダ、キューバ、プエルトリコ、ハワイ、フィリピンだけでなく、ドイツ、日本、ノルウェー、ベルギーなど郵便網がカバーする所にも発送するよ、って靴の下に小さく書かれている。
Plenty of horsepower | How To Spend It
A Catalogue of Good Boots for Country Wear (1935) | Future Museum
The non-porous shell of Horse-skin Crup Leather makes it THOROUGHLY WATERPROOF, and it is therefore of special interest to Sportsmen and Gamekeepers.
Ralph Horween Returns.
Ralph Horween, of the Horween Leather Co., well known cordovan tanners of Chicago, returned home on Sunday, April 30, after spending thirteen months in Germany, where he has been studying chemistry and tanning. While there he visited all of the important tanneries and spent considerable time in school at Freiburg, enlarging his understanding of chemistry as applied to tanning. The tannery is now being equipped with a complete laboratory, which will be devoted to the scientfic production of leather. With this new equipment the Horween Leather Co. will be in a position to work out and apply the scientfic methods which Mr. Horween has been studying. He returns with much interesting information concerning conditions in Germany.
1934年のホーウィンの手紙によると、19世紀後半のドイツでShell Cordovan Buttsの鞣しが発展したが、ドイツ製はかなり厚く、丈夫で、硬かった。20世紀初めに米国のタンナーが靴に適した革に改良した※。また、シェルコードバン鞣しを米国にもたらしたのはドイツ人とオランダ人だった。
1934 Letter from Horween Explaining Shell Cordovan | Ask Andy FORUMS
(2) 米国に馬皮鞣しを導入したとされるドイツ系移民
ルドルフ・G・サロモン(1846~1907)はハンブルクの近くにあるリューネブルクで生まれ、鞣し業を習得した二十歳の1866年にニュー・ジャージー州ニューアークに移住して革の輸入業を始め、1877年にHamburg Cordovan Tanneryを創業した。彼は米国における馬皮鞣しの生みの親として知られ、彼が馬革を米国に導入した。また、ネズミイルカ皮を初めて鞣した。1889年のパリ万博で米国タンナーとして初めてのグランプリを取った。
Shoe and leather reporter. v. 41 (Jan. -June 1886)
Also manufacturer of Choice Goloshes, Vamps, Tongue Boots, Boot Fronts, and any Other Pattern in Shell Cordovan
Rudolph G. Salomon, a leather manufacturer, known as the father of horsehide tanning in this country, died at his home, No.324 Mount Prospect avenue, Newark, yesterday, after a long illness. A stroke of apoplexy suffered more than two years ago led to his death. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. Salomon was the president of the Hamburg Cordovan Leather Works, with a large plant in Sussex avenue, Newark. He was also at the head of the Eclipse Tanning Company, in the same city. He was sixty-one yearn old, and was born in Luneburg, Hanover, Germany. Soon after coming to this country he engaged in the leather industry and introduced Cordovan leather. He was the first person in this country to convert the hide of sea porpoises(ネズミイルカ) into leather, and for many years he maintained his own private fisheries at Hatteras and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Mr. Salomon was president of the National Association of Manufacturers, a member of the Newark Board of Trade and affiliated with the Morocco Manufacturers' National Association. He was a Mason and a member or a New York lodge.
In the leather trade of the United States, R. G. Salomon, of Newark, has within a brief period grown to be a recognized power. He was born at Lunenburg, near Hamburg, Germany, and having mastered the trade of a tanner, came to the United States in 1866. His beginning was a humble one and his success has been attained by remarkable promptness in opening new fields of industry as soon as they appeared inviting and likely to lead good results. Thus, some years since, he began the manufacture of Cordovan leather, the name by which leather made from hides of horses is now known. Like almost every new product, it met with opposition, but through Mr. Salomon the superiority of the stock soon became acknowledged and it is now a staple. He also turned his attention to the tanning of alligator skins, which fifteen years ago were a curiosity and used only for boots. Perceiving the qualities possessed by leather made from the skin of the kangaroo, he began its tannage, and the shoe trade was not slow to recognize its merits. He now tans 350,000 kangaroo skins and 100,000 alligator skins annually. Mr. Salomon was also the first to introduce the manufacture of porpoise leather in this country. His factory is one of the largest of its kind in America, employing 400 workmen.
The Hebrews in America. A series of historical and biographical sketches (1888)
The Hamburg Cordovan Tannery.
The tanneries of R. G. Salomon, at Newark, N.J., doubtless excel those of any other in the world in the variety of their products. Many of these special ties were originated by that talented gentleman. Among the peculiar leathers turned out are porpoise leather, cordovan leather, patent calf, alligator leather, dull dongola(タンニンとミョウバンの混合鞣し革), lizard skins, kangaroo skins, etc.
The trademark of this house is known all over the world, and most favorably known at that. It is a most satisfactory note to American industries that R. G. Salomon received the Grand Prix in 1889, the first time any American tanner was so honored. R. G. Salomon started life in the tanning business, in Germany, and like all who learn their trade in that country, he learned it thoroughly and completely in all its details, mechanical and chemical, and at the age of twenty he was master of his business. He came to this country and dealt in imported leather, making a success of this.
In 1877 he started the manufacture of leather in Newark and from this modest beginning has developed the great industrial hive now known as the Hamburg Cordovan Tannery. ・・・
ECLIPSE TANNING CO. (サロモンを吸収したパテント子馬革のタンナー)
In reference to the reorganization of the Eclipse Tanning Co., which has absorbed the Hamburg Cordovan Leather Works and the old Eclipse Tanning Co., the following officers were elected the first of the year:・・・
A new degreasing plant has recently been erected and other improvements and additions have been completed, in order to increase the capacity of the plant, to meet the de mand for the firm's popular line of Eclipse Patent Colt. The company is today making the largest quantity of leather the plant has ever produced and with the increased facilities, it is one of the most modern and largest patent leather establishments in the country.The Leather manufacturer v. 21 (1910).
Shoe retailer and boots and shoes weekly v.61 (Jan.-Mar. 1907)
Arnold Horween III: The company was founded by my great-grandfather, Isadore Horween. He was an immigrant from the Ukraine who came here in time for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. Because the stockyards were here in Chicago, leather was a big deal. At that time, there were a couple of dozen tanners. We are the last. At the World’s Fair, my great-grandfather, who came here with the idea of finding work, went down to visit the leather exhibit to see if he could make some contacts, and he met a gentleman there whose company was actually one of the companies putting together the leather exhibit. I never met my great-grandfather but, from stories I gather, he was a very confident fellow. So the gentleman whose workers were there said to him, “That’s pretty nice leather, isn’t it?” And my great grandfather said, “It’s nice, but I can make it better.” And the guys said, “Well, if you can make it better than that, maybe you can see us on Monday morning.” So he went and started to work for them. In about 5 years, he was the plant superintendent and, about 6 or 7 years after that, he went on his own.
Horween Leather Co | Mas Context
1893 World’s Columbian Exposition
Isidore Horween attends the World’s Fair in Chicago, Illinois and secures his first tanning job in the United States. He had been a tanner in the Ukraine before emigrating to America.
(3) 企業名鑑~シェルコードバンタンナー
The Shoe and leather reporter annualの1890年版と1922年版の中から、シェルコードバンタンナーと思われるタンナーをピックアップ。
Chicago, IllinoisNewark, New Jersey
- HUCH, L. & SON, 100 W. Division, all kinds of cordovan leather. [See Advertisement]
- Jansenn, W., 18 Mendal, Cordovan and dongola.
Titusville, Pennsylvania
- BENZ, DIETSCH & BETZ, 111 to 125 Berlin, patent kids, kangaroo, cordovan, etc. [See Advertisement]
- Hahn, H. & Stumpf, E. Newark, 201 Dey, cordovan, kangaroo, alligator, calf, etc.
- Popham, Henry & Son, E. Newark, First and Middlesex, raw hide, belt, lacing and Cordovan.
- SALOMON, R. G., Nesbitt, Cordovan, kangaroo, porpoise and alligator leather. [See Advertisement]
- Hansa Cordovan Tannery, cordovan
Chicago, IllinoisPeabody, Massachusetts
- Alswang Tanning Co., The, 1942 Elston Ave.; Morey Alswang, prop., razor strop butts and cordovan. (Tan & Fin.) G
- Horween Leather Co. (Cap. $1,200,000), offices, 2015 Elston Ave.; tannery, 1071 W. Division St. I. Horween, pres’t; Harry Horween, vice-pres’t; Arnold Horween, sec’y; Ralph Horween, treas.; cordovan, cowsides, horse butts, bark, chrome and retanned sides, chrome and finished splits, leggin, valve and washer leather. Product sold direct and through A. F. Gordon, 93 South St., Boston, Mass., and Hermann Lowenstein, 26 Ferry St., New York, N. Y. Ralph Horween, supt.; I. Horween, hides and machinery; H. S. Silverstein, tanning materials and supplies. Makers of “Horween Cordovan” and “Chromexcel” waterproof chrome sides in black and colors (Tan & Fin.) C. (See Advt.)
- Huch Leather Co., (Inc. $25,000), 1918 30 Mendel St.; Geo. E. Huch, pres’t; Louis J. Huch, vice-pres’t; E. V. Gale, sec’y and treas.; cordovan and horsehide (butts, fronts aud glazed). Product sold through E. B. Gale Co., 217 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Geo. E. Huch, supt. and buyer. Makers of “Lizariue,” horse, and “Anzeco,” all colors. (Tan & Fin.) D.
Harrison, New Jersey
- Young Richard Co. (Inc. $1,000,000), Union St.; Richard Young, pres’t; Jas. M. Mont gomery, 1st vice-pres’t; Fred A. (Chilton, 2nd vice-pres’t; Jos. J. Gill, sec’y; J. S. Jackson, treas.; alums, buck skins, cabrettas, calfskins, cordovan, cow sides, horsehide (butts, fronts, glazed, mat, suede), kangaroo, glazed, mat and suede kid, kips, chrome sides, chrome and rough splits, baseball, chamois, glove, fancy, bag and case, hat, jerkin, pocketbook, sheepskins, skivers, strap, suspender, leggin, piano action, sporting goods, textile, roller, whip leathers. Product sold at own stores at 54 South St., Boston, Mass.; 36 Spruce St., New York, N. Y.; 53 S. Main St., Gloversville, N. Y.; 169 N. Franklin St., Chicago, and 232 E 8th St., Cincinnati, O. Jesse Wooley, supt. and buyer; John J. Riley, hides. Makers of “Ryco” leather. (Tan neries also nt Brooklyn and Gloversville, N. Y., and Wilmington, Del. (Tan а Fill.) A. (See Advt.)
Newark, New Jersey
- Baran, Peter & Sons, Inc. (Cap. $125,000). First and Bergen Sts. Peter Baran, pres’t and treas.; V. P. Baran, vice-pres't; Arthur Read, sec’y; cordovan. Product sold direct and through the following agents: Murphy & Haskell, 145 South St., Boston, Mass.; Chris. Schwarz. 100 Gold St., New York City, and J. K. Reynolds Co., 22 W. Lake St., Chicago, III. Peter Baran, supt. and buyer. (Tan & Fin.) C.
- Hahn, H. & Stumpf, Dey, Warren and Jersey Sts. Members of firm: Frank C., Arthur J. and Catherine H. Stumpf; cordovan, horsehide. leather (butts, fronts, glazed and mat), porpoise, horse shanks. Product sold direct and through A. E. Arnold & Co., 21 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. Frank C. Stumpf, supt.; Arthur J. Stumpf, hides; Frank C. and Arthur J. Stumpf, machinery and supplies. Makers of “Cordovan" leather. (Tan & Fin.) D. (See Advt.)
- Berkovitz, Goldsmith & Spiegel, 34 New York Ave. Members of firm: Herman Berkovitz and Simon Spiegel; cabrettas, calfskins, cordovan, kips, rough sides, flexible and rough splits, chrome sides, fancy, bag, case, goatskins, hat, pocket book, sheepsklns, skivers, leggin. Product sold at stores, 35 Spruce St., New York, N.Y., and 23 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. Address Haas, Jr., supt., and buyer; Herman Borkovitz, hides. (Tan & Fin.) E. (See Advt.)
- Kaufherr & Co. (Inc. $125,000), 42 Garden St. and Hamilton. Bruen and McWhorter Sts.; Julius F. Kaufherr, pres’t; Albert H. Kaufherr, vice-pres’t; Maurice D. Kaufherr, treas.; J. J. Lambrecht, sec’y; chrome and white sole, latigo, calfskins (finished), cordovan cowsides (glazed), horse butts, horse fronts, glazed horse, kips, bark, chrome and chrome retanned sides, chrome and flexible splits, base ball, glove, seal, alligator, sheepskins, skivers, suspender and walrus leathers. Julius F. Kaufherr, supt.; Julius F. and Albert H. Kaufherr. buyers. Makers ot “Kaufherr Calf,” “Crocus,” “Alabaster” and “Goodcut” leathers. (Tan & Fin.) A.
- Lichtman, J. & Sons (Inc. $1,000,000), 241 Frelinghuysen Ave.; A. Lichtman, pres't; B. Lichtman, vice-pres't; R. Gross, sec’y; H. Lichtman, treas.; rough, grain, chrome and rough splits, glazed cowsides, horse hide leather (butts, fronts, glazed), kips, hides, rough sides and splits, bark sides, chrome sides, chrome splits, leggin, auto mobile and cordovan leather. Product sold through the Columbia Leather Co., 43 South St., Boston, Mass., and direct from the tannery. A. Lichtman, buyer. Makers of “Kang-kid” and “Trump” cordovan leather. (Tan & Fin.) D Advt.)
- Wallington Leather Mfg. Co. (Inc. $100,000), 40-50 Kent St.; G. Kosik, pres't; Chas. M Mason, vice-pres't; Wm. A. Gaertner, sec’y and treas.; calfskins, cordovan, cowsides, horse butts, bark and chrome sides, rough splits and baseball leathers. Product sold direct and through Walter Rapp Co., 51 South St., Boston, Mass.. and Silvey & Christman, 184 William St., New York, N. Y. John Gerrighty, supt.; Wm. Gaertner, buyer. (Tan & Fin.) D.
Lichtmanは、the largest manufacturers of shell cordovan in the United Statesと広告に書いている。
(4) シェルとコードバンの用語の使い方の変遷
上掲のサロモンの1886年の広告にはShell Cordovanが小さく載っていますが、19世紀末期から20世紀初期の雑誌等を検索した感じでは、当時はShell Cordovanは一般的には使われていなかったようです。1897年にサロモンが米下院歳入委員会に提出した関税に関する意見書のタイトルはCORDOVANでした。またその中では、the "shell" of the horsehideという書き方をしていました。
米国でコードバン鞣しが始まった頃は、馬皮の一番良く丈夫な所のみを鞣し、それをCordovan Leatherあるいは単にCordovanと呼んでいたようで、Shell Cordovanという用語があまり一般的に使われていなかったのは、恐らく、全てのコードバンにはシェルが付いていたので、Shell Cordovanと書くのは冗長だったためではないかと思われます。
CORDOVAN — A name long in use, originally signifying Spanish leather, made from either goatskin or horsehide. The Spaniards were the best leather makers for centuries. As used now, the term is applied to a grain split from the best and strongest part of a horsehide.
COLTSKIN — The firm texture of horsehide has brought it into more general use in shoe making within the past few years. The skin of a colt is thin enough to use like calfskin in its entirety, with such shaving as is given all hides in tanning. With the hides of mature animals, splitting is resorted to. Coltskin makes a firm basis needed for patent leather, and has been much used in recent years for this purpose. Russia is the chief source of supply.Shoe and Leather Encyclopedia (1911)
Shell Cordovan — Horse Butts — Bark tanned for shoes; also razor strop leather.
Side Cordovan — Horse Fronts — Front part of horse hide tanned with bark, used for shoes.
Colt — Russian horse fronts mostly chrome, used for shoe upper.Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association v.16 (1921)
The hide is usually divided into fronts, butts, and shanks. Formerly, the butt-a portion about 3 feet long and half as wide, over the rump-was all of the hide that was tanned. Fronts and shanks are the parts now generally preferred for glove leather; for patent, fronts are used; the butts are often utilized for split stock, while all parts are used in shoe leather. Horsehide leather is known as "cordovan," the butt as "shell cordovan," and the front as "side cordovan." Cordovan is said to have been first made by the Moors, in Cordova, Spain.
Horsehides. ― These hides are obtained from domestic sources, and come mostly from work horses which have died in service. The best hides, however, are imported from France and Russia. These hides are sold by the piece according to size and condition of the butt. The butts are cut off 21 inches from the tail, the cut being made clear across the hide. These butts are used for making the leather known as "cordovan," also for making a heavy leather worn in cold countries like northern Russia. The remaining portions of the hides, known as "fronts," are used for making shoe and glove leather, and are usually not tanned by the same firm handling the butts. No. 1 horsehides must be free from cuts, scores, brands, or dragged spots. Seconds are those having these imperfections. There is also a difference between summer and winter hides: In the summer, many horses die from exhaustion, and, as a rule, are not skinned promptly, some even lying several days in the street before removal. Decomposition is going on all the time, and dragged spots occur. As the animal had been in imperfect health, this disturbance is reflected in the hide. Winter hides, on the other hand, are taken from animals killed after an accident, such as slipping on frozen pavements. The animals are in a healthy condition, and the hide is full of life and much stronger than summer hides, also much thicker. Even if the horse lies in the street, there is comparatively no putrefaction of the hide, which, consequently, does not show dragged spot, Figure 18 shows the characteristic grain of finished leathes.
単なるコードバンではないジェニュイン・シェルコードバン(“TRUMP”, not just cordovan)、という広告。
(5) 昔のシェルコードバン
The outstanding peculiarity of horse hide lies in the reticular layer. In the region of the butt there is a dense mass of collagen fibers in the reticular layer so compact as to render leather made from the butt naturally waterproof and nearly air tight. A section of horse hide taken from the butt is shown in Plate 32. The dense mass of fibers, often called the glassy layer, can be seen running horizontally across the middle of the picture and appearing much darker than the remaining fibers. The portion of the hide containing the glassy layer is known as the shell and is used to make the leather sold under the name of cordovan. The rest of the hide not only does not have this glassy layer, but the fibers of the reticular layer are very loosely inter woven, giving the leather made from it a spongy substance that limits its use.
The chemistry of leather manufacture, by John Arthur Wilson v.1 (1928)
Sample No. 5, Plate 140. This is cordovan leather, made from the butt or shell of horse hide. It is vegetable tanned. The shell of the horse hide is peculiar in possessing a tight fibrous layer running through the middle of its thickness and often referred to as the glassy layer. The leather is split through this glassy layer and blacked and finished on the split side, which is worn outward on the shoe. What is left of the glassy layer appears in the upper third of the picture. The dark, oblique line near the bottom of the picture is the remains of a hair follicle.
The chemistry of leather manufacture, by John Arthur Wilson v.2 (1928)
The Official Vintage Clothing and Accessories Thread | styleforum
Crest Shoe Co, Lewiston ME(?~1992)
Fine Quality Edwardian Cordovan Crup Leather Size 9.5 Heavily Studded Shoes | eBay
Cavalry Offciers Mid C20th Crup Cordovan Leather S8 Parade Boots | eBay
Rogers, John Jonesという英国のミリタリーテイラーの別注。Dege & Skinnerが1967年に吸収したそうなので、それ以前の物か。
(6) 第一次ブーム(1917~1922年)~軍需から民需へ
※ 自腹だったみたい。パーシング元帥の部下も自分の伝手でホーウィンコードバンを入手してたし。
In purchasing a uniform, an officer has the same liberty that a civilian has in buying his clothes. He can get them ready made or have them made to order. He can get a cheap suit or an expensive one. Officers' uniforms are made of serge, wool or whip cord. They range in price from $35 for a ready made serge or wool uniform to $75 or $80 for a whip cord uniform made to order by a military tailor.・・・Shoes cost from $4.50 in calf to $15 or $18 in officers' shell cordovan dress shoes. In whatever grade, they should be on the regulation Munson last. This is the best shoe ever made. Already shoemakers are beginning to modify this last in order to approximate the conventional narrow toed shoe. Insist on getting the original Munson last. Don't waste money on high priced cordovan dress shoes. You don't need them and you won't wear them. Get the regulation calf skin shoe and save your money for other things. Be sure the shoe fits, especially that it is wide enough. The same advice can be given about puttees. Prices range from $5 for cowhide to $18 for shell cordovan. Get a good pair of cow hide puttees, not too heavy, and be sure they fit. especially that they are not too long in the heel or under the knee. Let those who will pay $15 or $18 for pigskin or cordovan. Five or six dollars is enough, especially for camp wear.
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association v.70 Apr-Jun 1918.
Dark Tan Shell Cordovan製のOfficer's Fatigue BlucherとSpring Leggingの民生品。
陸軍省が在庫限りでコードバンシューズの発注をやめると発表。1. コードバンが市場で流行遅れになり、コードバンの入手が難しくなったため、2. 靴(の品質?)に満足できなくなったため、という1922年のニュース。
(7) 第二次ブーム(1948~1967年)
これも軍需の影響で始まったのだろうか?(ソースは見つからず) また、ブームが終わったのは、業界の終わりの始まりのためと思われます。(参考:米国にあったカーフスキンのタンナー)
野生放牧馬とろばは、アメリカ人の開拓者精神とノスタルジーをかりたてる生きたシンボルであり、その保護も長年の課題であった。ここでも、まず州政府が、無差別な殺害によって絶滅に瀕した野生馬の保護にのりだし、それをうけて、1959年に、野生放牧馬およびろばを保護する法律が制定された。しかしこの法律は、公有地内の野生放牧馬・ろばを飛行機や自動車をもちいて捕獲し、あるいは公有地内の水源を、野生放牧馬・ろばのわな殺害・損傷等のために汚染することを禁止したにすぎず、それ以外の方法による殺害は野放しであった。また州法の保護も、野生馬・ろばが、「猟(game)獣」に入らないことから、保護の対象外とされていた。そこで連邦議会は、1971年、急遽、野生放牧馬・ろば法(Wild Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act)を制定し、野生放牧馬・ろばを、全面的に内務長官の管理および保護のもとにおいたのである。同法は、野生放牧馬・ろばの捕獲、公有地からの移動等を禁止し、違反行為を処罰することを第一の目的とする。しかし、パクトウワシの場合には、捕獲が絶対的に禁止されるのに対し、とくに公有地内の野生馬・ろばは、公有地の自然体系の有機的な部分として、後にのべる別個の土地管理法制によって管理されており、内務長官は、増えすぎた「過剰」な野生馬・ろばを、公有地から「移動」することができるなどの特色がある。
アメリカ環境法の動向 (18)野生生物保護法制の成立 畠山武道 | 判例タイムズ657号(1988/4/1)
1952 – With horses disappearing from the American landscape, Wolverine Shoe and Tanning Corporation searches for new ways to use pigskin suede. G.A. Krause's son, Victor, leads the charge.
Through the 1920s horses disappeared at the rate of 500,000 a year. Most were sold to meatpackers to be processed into dog food, bonemeal, leather, and glue. The price of horses reached an all-time low in 1950, and the horse population continued its steady decline until only about 3 million horses could be found in the United States in 1960.
Overview: The State of Animals in 2001 | Animal Studies Repository
(8) 雑録
No Guarantee on Cordovan. - Some Brockton manufacturers are sending out an announcement that they will not guarantee shoes of cordovan leather. There seems to be a notion among shoe merchants that cordovan is tough stock. Tanners do not usually guarantee cordovan leather, as it is liable to crack in the lasting. It is not a tough-fibred stock that will stand a hard pull like calf leather.
Leather & shoes v.58 (Oct.-Dec. 1919)
Easiest to learn. Quickest in operation. Does perfect work. Injures no uppers. Is kept in order for one-fourth of the cost of repairing other machines. Lasts any shoe that can be practically lasted by hand. Patent leather and Cordovan lasted without difficulty.
なんと、Imported Genuine Shell Cordovan(上、中)があった。(下はHorween)
Ocala Star-Banner (Oct 5, 1958)
フランス製コードバンを使った英国靴(Taylor & Lord)と、フランス製コードバンを使ったチャーチの広告らしきもの。Imported Shell Cordovanとはフランス製コードバンだったのだろうか?
Rare masterpieces created by the skillful hands of the finest British craftsmen combined with one of the world's rare exotic leathers into soft, supple, yet durable , classic footwear with full leather calfskin linings. Exclusively yours from Church's, where these all leather classics are available in black or brown "Genuine French Cordovan".
Genuine Shell Cordovan is a speciality leather that is in very short supply in the world leather market. As a result,we are at present unable to obtain enough Cordovan to keep up with demand. For this reason we cannot indicate an "approximate shipping date" for your order.
NOS Florsheim Imperial Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Bluchers 9.5C V-Cleat 93606 | eBay
(9) コードバン(コルドバ革)前史
- 8世紀に高度の皮革製造技術を持ったムーア人(北西アフリカのイスラム教徒)がスペインに侵入し、皮革産業の発展をもたらした。西方イスラーム世界の首都コルドバで生産された元祖コルドバ革は、茜(あかね)の根で赤く染められた明礬(ミョウバン)鞣しの山羊革だった。
- 11世紀のキリスト教国によるコルドバ再征服後、コルドバ革はヨーロッパに普及し、柔らかくてキメ細かい見事な革として名声を博した。
- 16世紀以降のイスラム教徒への迫害と追放により、ムーア人はモロッコやヨーロッパ、特にイタリアやフランスに移動し、そこでの皮革産業の発展に寄与した。
- コルドバ以外でもコルドバ革は作られたが、そこでは主に山羊革をタンニン鞣しし、赤以外にも染められた。
- モロッコに渡ったムーア人が製造したコルドバ革はモロッコ革と呼ばれた。本来のモロッコ革は山羊皮をタンニン鞣しし、臙脂(えんじ、コチニール)で染色した光沢のある赤色の革であるが、いろいろな色に染色された(黒、青、紫、暗褐色、緑、オリーブ色)。
- その後、トルコ、キプロス島、小アジア、ペルシャ、ロシア南部でもモロッコ革は製造され、モロッコの都市サフィに由来してサフィアン革と呼ばれた。トルコではトルコ革とも呼ぶばれた。
- 1749年にフランスのアルザス(ライン川上流)でヨーロッパ最初のサフィアン革の製造が行われた。サフィアン革製造は1797年以降ようやくパリ近郊において発達し、その後ヨーロッパ各国やアメリカでも製造された。
- サフィアン革はモロッコ革と準備工程や鞣製工程は類似しているが、仕上げ工程が異なる。サフィアン革は良質の原皮を使用し、種々の色に染色し、細かい粒状銀面の美しさを強調し、モロッコ革は南アフリカの山羊や北アフリカの山羊等の銀面の粗い原皮を使用し、特に黒に染色する。サフィアン革は時にはモロッコ革、トルコ革あるいは単にサフィアンと称された。
スペインにおける元々のコルドバ革は明礬で鞣した革を茜の根で見事な赤に染色した革であった(6)。石灰と木灰の混合した乳状液を山羊皮に塗布して脱毛し、明礬液に皮を吊し、皮に液が浸透した後、卵を添加して撹拌する。絞らないで暗がりで乾燥し、揉んだり伸ばしたりする。別に、卵、小麦粉および明礬を鞣し剤として使用する方法もある。後に靴用に革の厚味を増すために、うるし科のスマック潅木の粉末が鞣しに用いられた。この潅木はスペインのサマランカ地方では多く存在し、また葡萄と同様に栽培もされた。染色はワインまたは水に茜の根を入れ、加温し革をゆっくり撹拌して行う。取り出して乾燥してから平らな板の上で引き伸ばし、黄楊の棒を用いて滑らかにし、獣脂を塗布してから乾燥する。コルドバでは彩色あるいは塗金や塗銀した浮彫りの壁革(タピストリーレザー)も有名であるが、この名はガダメス(リビア)の明礬鞣し羊革に由来することから、ガダメシまたはガダマシル革(Guadameci-または Guadamacilleder)と称された。壁飾りの他に衝立や天蓋、家具、箱などにも使用された(6)(7)。(5) Watt, A. : "Leather Manufacture", Crosby Lockwood and Son, London (1919) P.1, 28, 276, 357.
(6) Körner, T. : “Handbuch der Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation” I-1, (Grassman,W., Hg), Springer-Verlag, Wein (1944) P.1.
(7) Bravo, G.A. : “100000 Jahre Leder Eine Monographie”, Birkhaser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart (1970) P.223.2. 中世ヨーロッパの皮革(4. 製品革), No.161(2012.9)
Cordovan Leather. — This leather derives its name from the city of Cordova, in Spain, where it is supposed to have been originally prepared by the Moors. It has a very fine and beautiful grain, and is dyed in every variety of shade and colour. The finest qualities are imported from the Levant, but those of Spain, France, Hungary, and Germany are also highly esteemed. The skins employed in the manufacture of Cordovan leather are those of the goat and dog, and sometimes also hog skins are used, but the leather prepared from goat skins is preferred.
Watt, A. : "Leather Manufacture", Crosby Lockwood and Son, London (1906) P.288.
狐皮は、hog skinsの誤訳か?
(2) Bennet, H.G. : "The manufacture of Leather", Constable Company and LTD, London (1909) P.1.
(3) Procter, H.R. : "The Principles of Leather Manufacture", E and F.N. SPON, Ltd, London (1903) P.1.2. 中世ヨーロッパの皮革(1. 宮廷と修道院における皮革製造), No.158(2011.12)
イスラム系のアラビア人(ムーア人)が711年にジブラルタル海峡を越えてスペインの大部分を征服し、カリファート(イスラム国家)の首都をコルドバとした。これに伴いオリエントで発達した皮革製造技術が持ち込まれ、製革業者が領主によって保護され、さらにアラビア人がコルドバの住人に鞣しや染色、塗金の技術を教えたので、製革業は産業的に発展した(2)(4)。コルドバで生産された明礬鞣し革はコルドバ革(スペイン革)と呼ばれ、11世紀にヨーロッパに普及し、柔らかくてきめ細かい見事な革として名声を博した。コルドバ革の色や色調はいろいろであり、当時の上流階級の人はコルドバ革の靴を好んで履いた。あまり交通機関の発達しない当時ですら、コルドバ革は広範囲に普及し高い評価を得ていたので、コルドバ革に由来する用語が多く生まれた。フランスでは、上質革(Fein leather)を扱う靴屋のことをコルドンニェ(Cordonnier)と呼び、北東部のストラスブールでは上質革製造者をクルデヴェナー(Kurdewaner)またはクルヴィーナー(Krweener)と呼んだ。イギリスでは上品な靴をコードヴァイン(Cordewain)、靴屋をコードヴァイナー(Cordewainer)と呼んでいた。最上質の革はレバント(地中海東部からエーゲ海沿岸地方)産であったが、スペイン、フランス、ハンガリーおよびドイツ産の革も優れていた(6)。13世紀には製革業者の団体が成立していた。13世紀のフランスでは、スペインとフランドル(ベルギー・オランダ・フランスに属する北海沿岸)の産出革のみが市場に持ち込むことが許されていた。
11世紀にはスペインはキリスト教の国家になったが、皮革技術は残留を許されたムーア人(モロ人と呼ぶ)によって継承された。しかし16世紀初期のカトリック的伝統を重んじるフェリペ(フィリップ)2世(1565~81在位)の迫害によりムーア人がスペインから追放され、資本と技術が流出しスペインでの革製造は徐々に消失していった。(2) Körner, T. : "Handbuch der Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation" I-1, (Grassman, W., Hg), Springer-Verlag, Wein (1944) P.1.
(4) Bravo, G. A. : "100000 Jahre Leder Eine Monographie", Birkhaser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart (1970) P.223.
(6) Watt, A. : "Leather Manufacture", Crosby Lockwood and Son, London (1919) P.276.2. 中世ヨーロッパの皮革(2. ギルドの形成), No.159(2012.3)
(4) Korner, T. :"Handbuch der Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation" I-1, (Grassman,W., Hg), Springer-Verlag, Wein (1944) P.1.
2. 近世ヨーロッパの皮革(1. 皮革産業), No.165(2013.9)
モロッコ革(Morocco leather, Maroquinleder)は近世ヨーロッパの代表的な革であり、コルドバ革から発展した革である。スペインで高級コルドバ革を製造していたムーア人が16、7世紀に追放されてモロッコに渡り、そこで製造した革である(5)(6)。かくしてコルドバ革の名声はモロッコ革に取って代られた。その後、トルコやキプロス島、小アジアで多くのモロッコ革が製造され、ペルシャや南ロシアでも良質の革が製造された。トルコで製造された革を「トルコ革」とも称した。18世紀には、モロッコ革やコルドバ革の製造法を修得させるために、フランス、イギリスおよびドイツから近東やエジプト、ペルシャ、トルコ等に人が派遣され、その後、ヨーロッパでも製造された。
モロッコ革はいろいろな色に染色され、その染色方法に特色があった(7)。・・・(5) Körner, T. : "Handbuch der Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation" I-1, (Grassman,W., Hg), Springer-Verlag, Wein(1944) P.1.
(6) 竹之内一昭 : 外国の古い革 2.モロッコ革,皮革科学,45,32(1999).
(7) Watt,A. : "Leather Manufacture", Crosby Lockwood and Son, London(1919) P.276, 299.2. 近世ヨーロッパの皮革(2. 皮革製造), No.166(2013.12)
サフィアン革(Saffian leather, Saffian-leder)は柔軟でしぼの細かい色付きの山羊革である。この革の銀面が細かい真珠のような粒状を呈していることから、パールツィーゲン革(Perlziegenleder)とも称する(6)(7)。東インド産の山羊皮は銀面が粗いので、取引関係では一般的にボックサフィアン革(Bocksaffianleder)と称される。これらの革は主に装丁やカバン類に使用される。鞣しは植物タンニン鞣しであり、加脂はしないか、してもごく僅かである。この革の名称はモロッコの都市サフィに由来するが、18世紀まではもっぱらオリエントで製造され、それまではヨーロッパでは製造されていなかった。17世紀末では、大部分のサフィアン革はキプロス島や小アジアのトカトなどで製造された。ペルシャやロシア南部でも良質のサフィアン革が製造されていた。1749年にフランスのアルザス(ライン川上流)でヨーロッパ最初のサフィアン革の製造が行われた。サフィアン革製造は1797年以降ようやくパリ近郊において発達し、その後ヨーロッパ各国やアメリカでも製造された。・・・
サフィアン革はモロッコ革と準備工程や鞣製工程は類似しているが、仕上げ工程が異なる。サフィアン革は良質の原皮を使用し、種々の色に染色し、細かい粒状銀面の美しさを強調し、モロッコ革は南アフリカの山羊(Kapziegen)や北アフリカの山羊等の銀面の粗い原皮を使用し、特に黒に染色する。サフィアン革は時にはモロッコ革、トルコ革あるいは単にサフィアンと称された(7)。イギリスではスマック鞣しの羊革はローン(Roan)と称し、フランスのローンはスマックとケブラチョで鞣される(8)。(6) 竹之内一昭 : 外国の古い革 36. サフィアン革,皮革科学,56, 80(2010).
(7) Fasol, T. : "Was ist Leder", Franckh'sch Verlangshandlung, Stuttgart(1954) P.62.
(8) Wacker, H. : "Handbuch der Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation" Ⅲ-1, (Grassman,W., Hg), Springer-Verlag, Wein(1936) P.186.2. 近世ヨーロッパの皮革(3. 製品革), No.167(2014.3)
コルドバは西方イスラーム世界の首都となった。イスラーム世界のあらゆる地域から学者や詩人、職人が集まり、バグダードからは世界最先端の文化がもたらされた。ユダヤ教徒の移住も盛んになり、コルドバはさまざまな民族・宗教が共存共栄する国際都市へと発展していった。10世紀に繁栄の頂点をきわめた頃のコルドバは「西方の宝石」とまで呼ばれ、人口50万を擁する西欧で最大の都市、世界でもバグダードにつぐ大都市に成長していた。・・・コルドバの繁栄は 1236年のカスティリャによる占領まで続いた。
Report of the Committee on leather for bookbinding (1905)
ウェールズにあった J. Meredith Jones & Sons のモロッコ革(山羊革)